Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sportical.com keeps overhead low

SportiCal.com is unique because it helps small businesses keep their overhead low.  Unlike Mind-Body.com, EventBrite and deal of the day sites like Groupon - Sportical.com offers users unlimited event registration for as low as $29 a month!  

This is huge!  In 2011, during the recovery from the 2008 economic melt-down several North American newspapers listed economic business principles small business should keep in mind at all times - the one that they all had in common was KEEP OVERHEAD LOW!

USA Today - Biggest Small Business Lesson "Keep Overhead Low"

"The three firms in USA TODAY's second annual Small Business Challenge each gleaned valuable entrepreneurial insights from their mentors. While the teachings overlapped at times — "keep overhead low" was often repeated."


Toronto Star - Eight Rules to Keep Small Businesses Afloat
8. Reduce overhead. Examine fixed expenses and cut costs to free up cash. Negotiate a better deal on rent, phone and Internet, insurance and accounting services. And reconsider splashing for lavish new digs for your company.
“Often people who are dreaming big will over-spend on their office space,” says Morley. “They want to look impressive, but more often than not, it’s a misallocation of their limited capital.”


Yahoo.com - 6 Secrets for Creating Fierce Employee and Customer Loyalty

2. Keeping overhead low.

The long-term employee loyalty seems to boost productivity. Compared with its  rivals, Market Basket had only six employees working as grocery buyers, about one-fifth the number of grocery buyers as would be found at a similarly sized chain, the Globe reported.
"By the time they’ve reached leadership positions, employees have been with the company long enough that they are deeply experienced across many levels of the company, meaning they’re able to operate more efficiently from a staffing perspective," the Globe noted, summarizing Griffin's reasoning. "The lack of turnover also cuts down on the costs of recruiting and training."

Unlike our competitors Sportical.com does not charge processing fees, commissions or charge per transaction.  For a no commitment monthly subscription users can keep their over head lower than any other business paying thousands of dollars each year using other online registration and payment processing systems!

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